I would like to start a discussion with the full membership and leadership about FACEBOOK and PayPal. First, I know that a lot of members are users of both Facebook and PayPal. Facebook for keeping in touch with family and loved ones. PayPal for paying for things online.
Most people that presently use Facebook most likely set up their accounts long ago in which the process was easy and non-intrusive. But today, Facebook accounts require an official photo ID to be provided to set up an account. PayPal requires the same but there is a secondary issue going on with the PayPal payment link on the Tearjerker website.
As for parentally new Tearjerker members that don't have Facebook and refuse to give Facebook or any other online social network access to their private information. This creates a problem with the Tearjerkers organization and its present members who hide behind a Facebook wall for private discussions which other members cannot join.
PayPal has an issue on the Tearjerker website where there is a link for non-PayPal payment for Tearjerker items but that link presently directs you back to PayPal to set up an account requiring an official photo ID. This is most likely just a web address error in coding and should be easily corrected.
I have discussed the problem with Facebook with friends of mine that use Facebook and are surprised by the account requirement of a photo ID. And when you ask them if they would give Facebook their official photo ID to use Facebook in all cases they said no.
The discussion I am hoping to generate within the Tearjerker membership and administrators is to redevelop the official website to incorporate the features of Facebook which the members use but without requiring personal information to join a section. This would allow Tearjerkers to drop Facebook and make it easier for new members to get involved with the organization. I look forward to the other member's insight.