Hi folks - just wanted to let you know that I'm back and I'm very sorry that I disappeared for the past few months!
I was laid off from work back at the beginning of November, and life just got a little overwhelming. It didn't take too long to find a new position, but I wasn't able to start until mid-December. So I just needed to take some time to focus on my family and personal life. It's going to take a little while to settle into the new company and routine, but I can feel the clouds clearing and I feel like I'm getting some energy back to be able to give the club some attention again.
HUUUUUUUUUUGE THANK YOU goes out to Mary McCartney for keeping up with the gathering calendar!! I just fixed the coding for the gathering map this morning, so that should be functioning again.
It looks like I have a lot of messages and notification to get caught up on, so I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience while I do.
I was laid off from work back at the beginning of November, and life just got a little overwhelming. It didn't take too long to find a new position, but I wasn't able to start until mid-December. So I just needed to take some time to focus on my family and personal life. It's going to take a little while to settle into the new company and routine, but I can feel the clouds clearing and I feel like I'm getting some energy back to be able to give the club some attention again.
HUUUUUUUUUUGE THANK YOU goes out to Mary McCartney for keeping up with the gathering calendar!! I just fixed the coding for the gathering map this morning, so that should be functioning again.
It looks like I have a lot of messages and notification to get caught up on, so I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience while I do.
