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  • Where can I buy glycol for my Alde system?

    I'm a new member and a new teardrop camper owner, with a Tab 320s. I couldn't get the Alde system to work, and checked the glycol tank, and found it empty.

    I live just south of Little Rock, and no one around here seems to sell glycol. I'm hoping someone on this forum can tell me where I can order some.

    Thanks for the help.

  • #2
    I saw that someone mentioned that the Alde heating fluid is ethylene glycol based and therefore you could use automotive antifreeze in it. A different web post mentioned that Alde recommends a G13 specification which is a glycerin based antifreeze ( environmentally friendly). I do know that the G13 type is available on Amazon but I would imagine that the automotive antifreeze would work fine.


    • #3
      Order it from Amazon. This is what Alde recommends. I believe it is propylene glycol.
      Ethylene glycol is toxic. Alde only recommends the Century fluid. I don’t know if it’s aluminum or stainless, but I wouldn’t risk harming the boiler with the wrong fluid.


      • #4
        A lot of homebrew shops sell propylene glycol because it’s used in glycol chillers. If you run out and need some fast reach out to home brewers on FB and ask there. (I have a gallon of it in my office for exactly that reason.)

