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  • Roasted Chapter Director

    Yeah, I decided to go camping during this heat wave in Texas (27-29 Jul) and this is how I felt:

    Remove director from refrigeration and let come to ambient temperature.
    Soak in river or lake for a few hours.
    Remove from water bath and place on some form of rack (lawn chair, hammock, etc) and stuff with chips, pretzels, mixed nuts.
    Cover with a tarp or awning and roast on high for several hours with frequent applications of beer or a fruit juice and alcohol mixture.
    Director is "dun" when eyes glaze over.
    Serve with salad, grilled/steamed vegetables, rolls, and main dish of choice (BBQ, burgers/brats, chicken, etc) as the director will still be unfit to consume...but funny to laugh at.

    Bon appetit...?

    DJ Davis
    Lone Star Chapter Director

  • #2

