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  • Welcome Brian S as an Administrator!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	csm_welcome_pixabay_Bru-nO_1170x470px_2fbc848553.jpg
Views:	808
Size:	336.6 KB
ID:	29435

    As the club grows and evolves we need people to keep me in line and make sure I don't lose my mind (that was how my role started with Todd ), so I'm happy to announce that Brian S is joining the Admin team! Brian has been involved with the club for many years, most recently as Chapter Director for the Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter. He's also been hiding behind the scenes of the TearJerkers Facebook page and pulling a few strings there. I'm really looking forward to having Brian join the Admin team and I hope you are too!

  • #2

    Greetings from the "Group W" bench!



    • #3
      Thanks Zach, for the confidence and opportunity helping the Tearjerkers continue to grow and evolve.

      I've met many in person at gatherings and 4 CRA's, plus many virtually on the Tearjerkers Facebook group as well as the Teardrop and Tiny Camper amper group we're admins on. Hope to meet many more in the future.
      "It's not the years in your life but the life in your years"

