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  • Space Coast Checking In :)

    Howdy, I am new here. We live on the "Space Coast" and are in the research and planning stages for a teardrop or flatdrop.

    I grew up camping in a Serro Scotty 15’ Highlander. We were part of the Scotty club here in Florida our trailer number was F43-13 “The Black Cat Special” if we came it rained! Somewhere between when we hooked up in the yard and unhooked after returning we got rained on! 😀

  • #2
    Welcome to the Tearjerkers!
    2016 NuCamp T@G Max Teardrop
    Co-Director Chesapeake Bay Chapter


    • #3
      Originally posted by SamD View Post
      Howdy, I am new here. We live on the "Space Coast" and are in the research and planning stages for a teardrop or flatdrop.

      I grew up camping in a Serro Scotty 15’ Highlander. We were part of the Scotty club here in Florida our trailer number was F43-13 “The Black Cat Special” if we came it rained! Somewhere between when we hooked up in the yard and unhooked after returning we got rained on! 😀
      Welcome! What year Hi-Lander? I'm on the tail end of doing a ground-up rebuild on a '71 - its about 96.37% finished.

      We've had it out a few times, but I need to finish the cabinet doors and a few other things this winter. We named it "Pretty on the Inside".

      Click image for larger version

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      • #4
        Originally posted by Zach View Post

        Welcome! What year Hi-Lander? I'm on the tail end of doing a ground-up rebuild on a '71 - its about 96.37% finished.

        We've had it out a few times, but I need to finish the cabinet doors and a few other things this winter. We named it "Pretty on the Inside".

        Click image for larger version

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Size:	360.1 KB
ID:	17541 Click image for larger version

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Size:	183.4 KB
ID:	17540

        Same year or maybe it was a '72, the years kind blur to gather. I was a kid back then and Dad had not been back from 'Nam for long, he came home in '69 so early 70's. I have been tracking your build and left a message over there for you. I love how you have updated the interior!

