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  • Greetings from upstate NY

    While my wife and I do not own a teardrop camper, we do own a pull behind.

    The tear drops are an awesome camper. I suspect once the "kids" move on we will downsize to a teardrop.

    We have three rescued Australian cattle dogs that probably would not do well in such confinement.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	14642430_10208834470397201_1280957168227235472_n.jpg
Views:	502
Size:	106.9 KB
ID:	2022

  • #2
    Hi Craig! Welcome to Tearjerkers!
    Not to worry. We won't shun you for not having a teardrop. Heck lots of us don't! The important thing is that you enjoy the fellowship of great people, you like to camp, and you like to have fun. Don't hesitate to check out gatherings in nearby chapters. You are always welcome to join in at any chapter's gatherings. Hopefully we will meet up somewhere along the way.
    All the best,
    GNW & New England Chapter Director

