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  • Hello from SATX

    Thank you for the add. My name is Jeff and I recently completed my first teardrop. I have been in love with these campers for years, but always put off building my own. After, a wet trip last year with my pop up camper, I decided it was time to make good on designing my own. She is 500 lbs with AC. Yes, it tows great. Yes, I sleep in there. No, this was not a kit. It was designed on Fusion 360 to make sure I could get the weight and balance where it needed to be for motorcycle towing. I always seem to be answering these same questions every time someone encounters it for the time. Campgrounds, gas stations, even the UPS guy had to snap some photos. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1265.jpg
Views:	365
Size:	4.46 MB
ID:	28088

  • #2
    Nice looking camper. Look forward to seeing it in person.


    • #3

      Welcome to the Lone Star Chapter! I hope by now you've checked out the LSC page and looked through the upcoming and past Gatherings. See if you can join us in Hico next month. It's an easy run up Hwy 281 for SA-TX.


