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  • New member...Joe

    Joe from western Pennsylvania. I have a hand-made home-built teardrop. 5x10 foamie on a hand-built chassis.
    On here just looking for possibly a new project or some different ideas for the one that I have.
    It's a good little camper that I tow with my antique Jeep Wrangler. It's off-road capable, but currently doesn't have the ground clearance that I would like it to have. The Jeep has 8 inches of lift and on 35 inch tires which gives it about 12-14 inches of ground clearance whereas the drop only has about 8 inches of clearance.
    No pictures at this time. My last laptop crashed and took all the build pictures and walk around pictures of both the Jeep and the drop with it when it gave up the ghost.
    I have been a member of TTNT for about 8 years now and a friend suggested TearJerkers as a possible way to get new or better ideas. So here I am.
    That's just a little about me and why I am here, hopefully pics coming soon.

  • #2
    Welcome to the family Joe.

