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  • Hello from Delavan, WI

    Hello all,

    We are Al and Cindy and are based out of Delavan WI.

    We have just completed a home built 5x10 Cub Modern teardrop. We tow it with a 4cyl Colorado pickup. As of now we have only been on our first outing since I just got the camper useable. It was about a 500 mile round trip and went very well. Had a great time. The camper worked well and was very comfortable.

    We are looking forward to meeting others who enjoy their teardrops at some upcoming gatherings. We are very close to the IL/WI border and hope to make some events from both club chapters.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	6259
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  • #2
    A big WELCOME and happy camping to you !


    • #3
      Hello & Welcome.
      That's a good-looking teardrop. Nice job.


      • #4
        Now that the TD is road worthy you could use a retirement adventure. Welcome to the Tearjerkers and the chapter.


        • #5
          Thanks all for the welcome!

          Nice to hear a familiar voice from Breb. We have traded ideas and encouragement with each other during our camper builds.

          I have reserved a campsite #50 for the Illinois L.O.L. chapter Tears near the river event in September. Looking forward to meeting some fellow teardrop campers at our first Tearjerkers gathering.


          • #6
            Welcome to the forum from Janesville

