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  • New Member from Gainesville, FL

    Hi! I recently bought a 2017 Tag trailer and am looking forward to exploring state parks in Florida, then venture further out in the US later. I'm a single female "of a certain age" (aka over 70) and I'm ready for adventure, meeting new friends and seeing new places. I play guitar and fiddle. Fun to meet other musicians in campgrounds. I'm still looking for the right way to have an awning. Don't know if I need one over the door, or over the galley. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    HEY Patty Cake!

    Have you considered a "Batwing" Awning? they wrap around to cover the side entrance and the galley area. Look pretty easy to deploy and stow away.


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      Thanks Osceolafan,
      I just checked out the batwing awnings. I'm not sure I can put one on my Tag trailer because the roof isn't flat. But I'll keep checking. I'm thinking of getting a roof rack installed, but wary of causing possible leaks.

  • #3
    Hi, Does the Tag have a keder rail? That makes an easy awning insert for the door area. Utube has some great ideas for the kitchen area of Tags. I'm a single gal in the Tampa Bay Area with a 2015 Tab - just learning all about towing! Hope to meet you at a gathering this year.


    • #4
      Welcome to the Florida Tearjerkers. I personally do not attend many Florida events as I live in Pensacola and most are held in central Florida or on the Atlantic coast. You might want to check out the Florida Floozies group. I know several women that are members and the pictures they post look like they know how to have a good time. If I recall correctly, they have an event about once a month.

