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  • Hi, I'm Zach - Liberty Bell Chapter Director and TJ Administrator

    Hi all, I'm Zach! I discovered and joined the TearJerkers in January 2009, when I was finishing building my first teardrop camper - a 4x8 with convertible top.

    Since joining, I've volunteered as a Liberty Bell Chapter Director, and also help out as one of the Administrators. If anyone has any questions about the club, the forum, or building a camper, I'm happy to help. Over the years, I've designed and built 3 teardrops, rebuilt a 1976 Serro Scotty Gaucho, and now have another Scotty project waiting to be rebuilt.

    1st teardrop, built in 2009:
    Click image for larger version

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Size:	106.7 KB
ID:	938

    5x10 Convertible 'trolley-top', built in 2012:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1185066_809078159442_839776029_n.jpg
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ID:	939

    The X-Cubed, built in 2014:
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	942

    Our 1976 Serro Scotty Gaucho, which my wife and I rebuilt in 2018
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	940

    Fun story - I actually met my wife through the TearJerkers in 2016, and we got married In June 2019 😍

    Click image for larger version

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Views:	846
Size:	483.0 KB
ID:	941

  • #2
    Hi I'm Jeff Raps. When I met Zach at a small camper show he told us we didn't need to have a tear drop camper to join. That was good because we had a 2013 16' Scamp.To me that was as small as I could go for many reasons. We since sold our Scamp and bought a 2017 KZ Escape. My wife and I are happy to join all the fine people of the great Tearjerker community.
    God bless America !


    • #3
      Little did I know, meeting you and MaryJo would get me into so much trouble!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


      • Brian S
        Brian S commented
        Editing a comment

    • #4
      hi zach, recently joined tear jerkers. was showing my wife some you tube vids and she thinks she would like attending a camp meet up. currently have a tear drop and a 5th wheel as well. bought my tear drop new, didnt have the space to build, but wanted too. i will be watching for post on up coming trips,
      be safe, ken and maria


      • #5
        Welcome! Keep an on the Liberty Bell Chapter section for upcoming events

